Why You Should Learn One New Thing In 2020
/As I gear up for the launch of my first EVER online course, I’ve asked myself this question many times:
“Why calligraphy?”
With a business that spans way beyond “just calligraphy” these days, and dozens of other online course ideas swimming around in this brain of mine, why on earth would calligraphy be the first one out of the gate?
I’m so glad you asked 😉
It was almost 5 years ago now when I first sat down to learn calligraphy…
I had no idea what was in store, but I was just happy to be there.
Happy to finally have a place to let out the creative energy that had been bottled up after 5 months of postpartum anxiety…
Happy to be learning something new, years after finishing college…
Just happy.
But I never could have imagined what would come next…
This one little class sparked something I didn’t even know was in me — A passion for art… a passion to create.
And so, I ran with it.
If you’ve been around long enough, you’ve probably heard bits and pieces of this story already, so rather than sharing where all of this inevitably led, I want to sit here with the beginning for a bit…
Because the beginning is why I am where I am today.
The beginning is where a spark was lit that burns stronger than ever today.
The beginning is why I can stand here and say “I’m so glad I took a chance on something new,” because without the beginning, I wouldn’t be able to see the same today.
As I embark on this new journey of offering online education, it only makes sense for me to go back to the beginning.
To offer you all the same opportunity I was given almost 5 years ago.
To tap into the creativity just waiting to be unleashed within YOU, and watch YOUR new story unfold.
Whether it’s calligraphy, or something else entirely, you’ll be amazed at what can come from trying something new.
Are you ready to see where you can go by learning one new thing in 2020?
I sure am!
(And if you want to make your “one new thing” calligraphy, check out my free calligraphy supply list, so you can get started TODAY, and stay tuned for my Modern Calligraphy online course launch - soon!)
Here’s to new adventures,